Comprehensive delivery management and business development services you  can trust.    

Rick Unruh, PMP, CPBC

Want to see Rick's complete profile? Check him out on LinkedIN.

Call: 403-771-8261 or 250-999-8261

rtpm  consulting  inc. is a project management solutions and specialized consulting and advisory firm that works with organizations, Service Departments, Business Leaders, and Project Management Offices to apply portfolio, program, and project delivery management and transformation process practices to enhance and drive performance and operational efficiency.

Comprehensive offerings include Project Management Office (PMO) transformation, project portfolio management process improvement, change management, transformation support services, business process improvement, corporate training, and competency development delivered through an extensive portfolio of tools and service offerings.

Providing Value with Expert Advice

Rick Unruh is the principal of rtpm consulting and lead consultant for Q6 Business Performance Consulting. Rick is considered to be an energetic, innovative, and strategic thinker who offers unparalleled experience and expertise in delivery management consulting, project delivery, and business development services across a diverse array of business verticals. His focus is creating long-lasting relationships with his clients and working with them to develop efficient, cost effective, and sustainable business development and business execution strategies that will allow them to successfully implement initiatives to transform their business to meet business objectives.

Why Rick Unruh?

Rick has passion for his field of work, he has proven ability to see through the clutter, communicates clearly, defines client expectations and objectives (some times better than his client's can), and delivers business priorities using a construct that focuses on "success" for the organization.

Rick has business experience ranging from organizational process improvements to the execution of large international mission-critical projects in several business verticals ranging from construction (heavy, industrial, commercial, and residential), government, private-sector business, joint partnerships, energy-sector, healthcare, and technology to list a few.

Rick maintains strong relationships with his co-workers and professional alliances; because of this, he and the business arm of  rtpm consulting inc., can offer an extensive network of resources and assets to draw from when delivering  solutions for clients. Continuous education, development, and high benchmark standards allow him to stay on the forefront of trends and be adaptive with new approaches that positively impact clients across all industries.